Do you have a small or medium-sized firm? Did you know that another income stream is available to you once you have protected your ideas, your intellectual property?
Leading UK design consultancy Acumen is revolutionising aircraft cabin layouts by protecting its innovations with patents and then licensing them to airlines. Acumen’s Ian Dryburgh outlines his successful business model and Chartered Patent Attorney James Ford explains the central role he plays.
So you're an inventor or a designer with a new product. Is it important to protect your businesses intellectual property? Inventors Stefan Knox, Guy...
It is estimated that 600 billion plastic bottles are used globally each year, with about 80% ending up in landfills and another 8 million tons...
So you're an inventor or a designer with a new product that has an innovative look as well as a brand new feature that can be...
Xeros Technology has created an ingenious technology for cleaning textiles and garments to reduce waste and address the global problem of...
What does a successful UK company do to protect its ideas domestically and abroad? Wave Optics is blazing a trail in the...
If you think someone is infringing your patent you don't need to jump to litigation. There are other and often better options, such...
Breakthroughs in technology which benefit us all rely on new steps in design and innovation. It is important for inventors...
Cement is the most widely-used substance on Earth after water and is responsible for about 8% of planet-warming carbon dioxide emission...
So you're an inventor or a designer with a new product. Is it worth hiring a Chartered Patent Attorney to help protect your ideas? Inventors Stefan...
Of the 40,000 European patent applications filed every year by UK patent attorneys nearly 90% are for overseas clients. So, why do...