The institute, its Council and its committees work hard to promote the best interests of members, their clients and the general public by submitting responses to formal consultation exercises held by patent offices at home and abroad.
The following responses were submitted in 2022:
Response to IPO Consultation on AI and Inventorship
10 January 2022
Response to the EPO’s consultation on the latest version of the EPC and PCT-EPO Guidelines
20 April 2022
Amicus brief: Enlarged Board case G 2/21 (Plausibility)
9 May 2022
Response to UKIPO consultation on Substantive Patent Law Harmonisation
9 June 2022
Enlarged Board consolidated cases G1/22 and G2/22 (Entitlement to priority)
4 August 2022
Response to consultation on the proposals for a new EQE
1 September 2022

Adam Williams
CEO UK Intellectual Property Office
Congratulations to CIPA on another successful year. The IPO values our ongoing partnership with the CIPA board and your members, who are recognised as some of the best patent attorneys in the world.
“Your ongoing contribution to our consultations over the past year continues to provide invaluable input from your knowledgeable and experienced members. It helps us to continue deliver a world class and modern rights granting service, and develop a fair and balanced IP framework.
“Finally, I applaud the election of Daniel as the first Asian CIPA President, and his refreshed commitment to the promotion of diversity and inclusion in both the IP profession and wider society to empower inventors and creators.
“I look forward to continuing our partnership through IP Inclusive, enhancing and enriching our IP community through diversity and inclusion.