Qualifying Examinations

When do the Patent Examination Board qualifying examinations take place?

The examinations are held once every year, generally in October. The examination timetable can be found here.

What qualifications do I need before I can take the PEB Foundation Certificate examinations?

You need a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics) degree. You can find the PEB Eligibility Policy here.

My STEM degree was awarded by a University outside the UK. Does it count?

You must obtain a Statement of Comparability from UK NARIC that certifies that it is equivalent to a UK degree.

Can I take the Foundation Certificate examinations in any order?

Yes, you can. You must pass FC1 (formerly called P1) before taking any Final Diploma examinations.

How much does it cost to take a Foundation Certificate examination?

You will find the current examination fees here.

Does the PEB grant exemptions from any of the Foundation Certificate examinations?

If you hold one of the law qualifications listed in Schedule 3 of the IPReg Rules for the Examination and Admission of Individuals to the registers of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys 2011, you may apply to be exempted from FC2- UK Law.

If I have passed a qualifying course offered by another academic provider, do I need to apply for exemption from the Foundation Certificate examinations in order to sit the Final Diploma examinations?

No. When applying to sit the Final Diploma examinations you have the opportunity to tell us that you have passed the Foundation Certificate level examinations set by any other examination agency approved by IPReg listed in Schedule 3 of the Rules for Examination and Admission of Individuals and you must provide a copy of the certificate.

Can I take the Final Diploma examinations in any order?

Yes, you can take the Final Diploma examinations in any order.

Must I be employed as a trainee patent attorney in order to sit the examinations?

No, it is not necessary to be in current employment, but the examinations test professional competence. Most candidates are in employment. You are unlikely to be successful in the examinations without substantial relevant experience.

Can I apply to sit foundation and final examinations in the same session?

Yes you can but remember in order to be eligible to undertake any of the PEB Final Diploma Examinations you must have passed either:

How much does it cost to take a Final Diploma examination?

You will find the current examination fees here.

Does the PEB grant exemptions from any of the Final Diploma examinations?

No, the PEB does not grant exemptions from the Final Diploma examinations. IPReg recognises success in the EQE’s as equivalent to passing FD2 and FD3.

How do I enter for the PEB Qualifying Examinations?

You need to complete the examination registration form which is posted here, once the registration period opens.

Where can I take the Qualifying Examinations?

The Covid-19 situation led the PEB to decide that candidates should sit the Qualifying Examinations online. You may take the examinations at your place of work or at your home or other private address.  Please refer to the Essential Information for Candidates and the Technical Guidance for further information about arrangements for the examinations.

How will I know if you have received my application form?

The PEB will send you an email acknowledging receipt of the completed examination registration form.

I would like to apply for reasonable adjustments in order for me to access the examination. What should I do?

Here is the PEB Policy on reasonable adjustments. The online registration form has a section where you can make a request for reasonable adjustments.

What should I do if something goes wrong on the day of the examination?

Very few problems occur during the PEB’s online examinations and often they could have been avoided if the candidate had followed the instructions in the Technical Requirements document beforehand and taken part in the practice examination. You are advised to familiarise yourself with this document before the examination day and you should have a copy of it in your examination room. If something goes wrong on the day of the examination, follow the guidance in Section 8 Dealing with Problems.

How and when will I receive my results?

You will receive your results via email. You will find the date of publication here.

What should I do if I am not happy with the result of my examination?

In the first instance we advise you to consider your answer script with your training supervisor alongside the mark scheme, the examiner’s report and the sample pass scripts. If you remain concerned, the PEB Enquiries about Results Policy sets out what steps you can take.

What should I do if I am ill or something else goes wrong on the day of the examination?

If you think your performance during the examination might have affected a temporary illness, injury or indisposition, or an event or incident which was outside your control, then you should read the Special Consideration Policy and consider whether to apply for special consideration.

I have a question that hasn’t been answered, what should I do?

Please email the PEB with your enquiry, and we will respond.

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