Patents Training Manual

Patents Training Manual

£78.00 members
£105.00 non-members

Base your training programme for patent attorneys on CIPA’s newly-updated Patents Training Manual.


Patents Training Manual (2022)

Editors: Gwilym Roberts and Debbie Slater

Ensuring that your trainee patent attorney receives the training that they need can be a valuable but
time-consuming task. Base your training programme on the newly-updated CIPA Training Manual, and you have a structured framework of study already prepared.

Features include:

  • Authoritative chapters written by fellow IP professionals based on their practice experience
  • Encouragement to the trainee to play an active role in their learning and tie in their studies with practice in the workplace
  • A training log allowing both the trainer and the trainee to chart and monitor progress in both study and work experience
  • Suggestions as to further study and links to examination syllabi
  • Real-life scenarios to challenge the trainee

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