Results and Post Results Procedures

  • Enquiries about Results (EaR) and Appeals Procedure

    This procedure sets what a candidate can do if he/she has failed their examination and is not content that his/her examinations were marked accurately.

    You should read this Procedure alongside the Enquiries about Results Policy.

    Review of Marking

    A candidate may request a Review of Marking to ensure the right mark has been awarded to the right candidate.

    If you wish to request a Review of Marking on the written examination you must complete a request for a Review of Marking Form and send it to PEB within 15 working days of the receipt of your examination result from the PEB. For the avoidance of doubt the day you receive your examination result(s) is day one. The payment and review of marking form must be received by the PEB by 5pm on day 15 otherwise it will not be processed by the PEB. The request must be accompanied by the appropriate fee of:

    • £355 per examination for Foundation Certificate Examinations;
    • £530 for Final Diploma Examinations;
    • £355 for the ICPA Examination.

    The outcome of the Review of Marking will normally be reported to you within 15 working days of the receipt of your request.

    If, as a result of this Review, your fail grade is deemed to have passed a full refund of the fees charged for this service will be made, and a new results letter and certificate will be issued.


    If a candidate remains dissatisfied following the Review of Marking, they may request an investigation by an independent person (appeal).

    If you wish to request an appeal you must complete a request for an appeal form (available on request from the PEB) within 5 working days of the receipt of the outcome of the Review of Marking. The payment and appeal form must be received by the PEB by 5pm on day 5, otherwise it will not be processed by the PEB. 

    Each request must be accompanied by the appropriate fee of £500.

    The PEB will commission an expert independent of the PEB and the candidate, who will be selected by the PEB. This review will judge whether all stages of the marking process and the EaR process have been followed correctly. It will not involve a further review of your work. The result of the independent person’s investigation will normally be sent to you within 15 working days of your request.

    An Appeal is the last stage of this Enquiries about Results process and any decision made at this stage is final.

    If, as a result of this appeal, your fail grade is deemed to have passed a full refund of the fees charged for this service will be made, and a new result letter and certificate will be issued.

  • Procedure for requesting a change in certificate following a gender re-assignment

    This procedure sets what a candidate can do if he/she needs to request a change in certificate following a gender re-assignment.


    1. The candidate emails the PEB inbox with the request and provides their previous name, their candidate number, and their Gender Recognition Certificate.
    2. The candidate must return their previous certificate(s) to the PEB to be destroyed.
    3. If the previous certificate(s) have been lost, the candidate must provide a Lost Certificate declaration.
    4. The PEB issues the new certificate within four weeks of the receipt of all documents from the candidates.

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